Saturday, March 14, 2015

The Asshole Effect
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Does your rich neighbor often play loud music till late night that really disturbs your sleep?

Does your boss is at unease if he has to share table with you during lunch?

We see examples such as above in our daily life where rich people behave extremely selfishly. And, we increase our hatred with them. There are times, when their behavior makes us feel so small.
In this post, I try to talk of why these people react the way they do. The answer lies in the human mind and the impulses it gets when one becomes rich. It is called the asshole effect. Coined by US psychologist Paul Piff, this effect tries to relate creation of wealth with selfishness and entitlement attitude. Through his numerous research, Paul Piff found that with growth in wealth of an individual, he/she starts believing and behaving in a more selfish way. He/She feels that he/she is entitled to the earthly bliss more than an average person. There is decrease in empathy and they start developing narcissism. They start treating people with lower wealth as inferior to them. They demand special treatment from the society, government and the nation.

For more, read at: The age of entitlement: how wealth breeds narcissism

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