Although there is no golden rule in verilog as to which type of statements to use while designing sequential circuits, it is highly recommended that non-blocking statement be used while designing such circuits.
It is a very good and almost an essential practice to use blocking statements to design combinational block and non-blocking statements to design sequential logic.
When you have multi-cycle paths to be designed as a sequential logic, then the use of blocking statements usually leads to optimisation/trimming of the logic. For a 2 cycle delay, you will only get a single cycle of delay. Consider the following example :-
Case 1:- Sequential logic design with non-blocking statements:
Rtl Schematic :-
Case 2:- Sequential logic design with Blocking statements:
Rtl Schematic :-
So, non-blocking statements should be used while designing Sequential blocks in Verilog.
*Note :- The synthesis of code and rtl schematic generation were done using Xilinx ISE Release Version : 9.2.04i
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